Monday, June 28, 2021

068: Day 81: June 28, 2021. Ovando to Missoula MT. The day we decided to take a break. 52 miles today (of which 8 are by car and ambulance) and 3286 miles in total.

Today we woke up to a beautiful day. We slept well behind Trixi's and were on the road at 06:00 am. 
This was the view of the Blackfoot Valley that we would follow the entire day. It was not yet hot and there was morning fog in the lower valleys- absolutely beautiful. 
Christine has such a professional eye to bring out nature's beauty.
The road was beautiful with a substantial shoulder, allowing us to stop and enjoy.
The Blackfoot River in the foreground
and next to us. These scenes and the next reminded us again and again, the people of Montana are privileged to live is such beauty.
An abandoned homestead in a beautiful meadow.
Since we started early, the roads were not too busy yet. We decided to stop at the Clearwater Sinclair where we purchased coffee to have with our breakfast - bagels with peanut butter and raspberry jelly.
Even the Sinclair Dino did not like our breakfast choice. 🤣🤣
We then climbed into the Lubrecht Experimental Forest. We saw so many different trees in this area.
At the summit we turned off to enjoy the shade and quiet under the trees for a while.
Peaceful and quiet.
From the Lubrecht Forest Summit we were on one of the longest downhills of the trip. I estimate it to be more than ten miles long. The shoulder is also much wider and we could take time to enjoy the countryside, even with a noticable increase in traffic.
The Blackfoot River Valley is really beautiful and 
we decided that we should come back to this area to explore some more.
We stopped at these rapids and 
this little Ground Squirrel was watching us closely for a long time. He is also in the previous picture.
There were a lot shrubs with white flowers.
Soon thereafter Christine ran over something and fell into and over the crash barriers. While I was helping her off her bicycle, a real angel stopped - her name is Angel as well - to block off the accident spot with her car and call 911. I am so sorry that I did not get her particulars, but at that time I was also totally flustered.
The first responders were there in less than five minutes with the ambulance arriving in less than ten minutes.
Christine had eight stitches to close the wound on her shin and the doctor, Emilie Fowlkes of the St Patrick Hospital's Emergency Center, said that we should not think of cycling for some time. 
People are so helpful and I want to thank the first responders who took Christine's bike in their truck to the hotel. I also want to thank John, his home was the closest to the crash, who immediately emptied his SUV to take my bicycle, trailer and me to the hotel. He wanted nothing, as he was planning to go to Missoula to have a flat tyre fixed. I am also grateful to the Comfort Inn University for waiving their cancellation fees. We booked a room here a couple of days ago with the intention to rest a bit after all the road cycling.
We are also very grateful (and happy) that Lizl decided to drive 2,5 hours to come and pick us up so that we could rest at their home. 
Thank you to everybody.
We shall not be cycling for the next three weeks at least and have some other commitments thereafter. We shall over the next few days look at the calendar and see how and when we shall complete our trip. So, please watch this space for an update in a week or so. 
Thanks to you also who have been reading this blog over the last 12 weeks and sent so many encouraging comments. 


  1. Ai, so jammer om van die terugslag te verneem! Net bly Christine is in goeie hande! Sterkte vir julle!

  2. Sorry to hear about the accident. We are glad christine has her own special personal doctor to speed her recovery. With the horrible heat, it is a very good time to take a break and refortify.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your accident, though relieved to know it wasn't life threatening and that you had good experiences with the locals who helped you in many ways. Take good care as you recuperate, regroup, and find your new path.

    I am a friend of Scott Luria and have been following your travels with great pleasure since you met him in New York (I think).

    1. Lee, it is so kind of you to take the time to write a message to a stranger! I feel physically sore, but mentally banged up, so we will take a long think about what comes next. Our short ride with Scott was a trip highlight, and I enjoy his write-up style. Thanks again!

  4. Wow! Okay now, let's not have a contest to see which one of you can get banged up the most on this journey! Seriously, we were saddened to read of Christine's accident, but then relieved it was something from which she will recover in time. We also think the 3 week break is a great idea and will bless you and your family. By the way, I have not seen a Sinclair dinosaur since my childhood when there was one on top of the station where Dad bought his petrol. And I had a toy version of it, compliments of the station owner. One last thought: the squirrel was "photo-bombing" you! Enjoy your break and your family. We love you both! -Jim

  5. Oh my, Christine, your leg injury looks quite painful. Taking a break from your blog over the next week or so, and a longer break from the biking trek should do you both much good! How great that you were so close to Lizl when this happened. Keeping you in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

  6. So sorry! Christine, get well soon!
    Love you and praying for you. Roz

  7. Oh wow Christine! I have been logging in every so often to see you and Ben's progress and was sorry to hear of your accident but happy to hear that it wasn't worse. Praying for a quick and full recovery! I'm so encouraged by your journey! Mike and I were just out in Montana, Hamilton and Glacier NP and it is so amazingly beautiful! Rest up! Love you!

  8. Ai, Chrissie, that is such a disappointment! So sorry!! Take it easy my friend. Big love!! Xxx

  9. Christine,I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. I’ve enjoyed reading of your adventures and look forward to what comes next!

  10. Hi Ben. Brings back some fond memories. When I was racing the Tour Divide after an very long day over Richmond Peak I arrived at Trixies at about 01:00 and it was unfortunately closed so another night of sleeping hungry ... I headed down to Ovando itself and spent the night sleeping under the wagon parked by the typee. The latter was occupied by other races. Next morning had a wonderful breakfast before heading south. Hope you visited the town proper. Great Montana hospitality.

  11. Wow ... you have encountered some amazingly hospitable people while Christine encountered an inhospitable guardrail ... what a most unfortunate disruption to your well planned adventure, but at least Christine will mend. Meantime, you might need to shop around for a sidecar to attach to your bike ... or a more comfortable trailer, so that Christine can continue to recuperate while you pedal over the mountain peaks.
    Most of your photos show no other people or cars so I thought the "body-snatchers" had taken everyone and left only you in an alien landscape, but amazingly loads of generous help arrived JIT ... well done Montana.
    Accident aside, this remains an incredible adventure and in years to come, its the mishaps you recall most vividly and the generous care & help of the local people during your "hour-of-need"
    Blessings and healing be with you both.

  12. wishing Christine a full & speedy recovery

  13. Sorry to learn of the mishap. Wishing Christine a rapid and full recovery. She will be fine. Best wishes

  14. How is Christine doing? Hope she already fully recovered.

  15. so are you there yet? Trusting that Christine is mended and you are both well.

  16. Hi Andrew,

    We have been quiet for some time. I posted the next blog tonight. Please read it if you can. 😊😊😊

    We are still not cycling. Christine’s leg will take some time still. 😊😊😊

    1. thank you for the update ... sorry to hear the healing process is taking longer than initially anticipated ... I think you'll probably need a refresher course in how to ride a bike when you are ready to recommence your journey. Stay safe and take care. Love & best wishes to team Gericke
