Thursday, August 19, 2021

069: August 17, 2021: An update about 8 weeks after Christine's fall

It has been some time since I posted any news here. Thanks to all the wishes and prayers we received since Christine's fall on June 28. 
 Photo from June 28.

Her leg has been improving steadily and we can see positive change nearly every day. She is walking and standing for longer periods now and even drove our car a couple of times. So, I can happily report improvement.

The big scabs came off  this week. This will help as the clothes would not be catching on these any more. 😀😀😀

It has not been either quiet or slow in our lives since the accident. We were so happy to move into Lizl and Steve's basement during this time. We helped them get their new home ready (lots of painting, small repairs, etc.) and looked after (rather, enjoyed being with) the grandkids, Mia and Michael.

We were also able to build this swing set in their back yard. 

 Sunset after a particularly hot day. 
The Northwestern part of the USA experienced above average temperatures this summer and we can attest to the heat. There were many days that we did not take the kids to the play parks, it was just too hot. But, when we did, everyone enjoyed the fun. 

Louise came to visit for a couple of days too. 😍😍😍

On our side we also found a new home here in Coeur d'Alene. We closed in late July on a three-bedroomed house and our move arrived on July 30. 

We knew we were going to downsize from our home in Virginia and we let go of many things before the movers arrived. Arranging our new house requires some careful thinking, as we have to let go of more things - even stuff with lots of memories tied to them. 😒😒😒 This tough task will definitely take more than a month or three. 

We also went on our first road trip in early August, 
to the Oregon Coast, with our dear friends, Marius and Hilda.  Hilda did most of the planning and planning and we enjoyed the result tremendously. We started at Canon Beach and eventually turned around at the Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park, California.

We loved the scenery and confirmed that traveling and seeing new places should be part of our lives in a much bigger way. 

We saw the negative impact of the COVID-pandemic all over and noted the new mask requirements in Oregon. We still have so many unvaccinated people in the USA and they are now getting infected. I wonder how many deaths we must still see here before people will realise that the COVID-vaccine is saving lives.

Back to the cycling adventure. 

We are patiently waiting for Christine's leg (and mind) to mend before we tackle the last about 750 miles from Missoula, Montana, to the Pacific Ocean. There is a small window of opportunity in September to complete the trip, provided Christine is ready to go. Otherwise, we shall do it next year. 😁😁😁

I shall certainly send out an update towards the end of August to keep you all informed. Thanks again for all the interest and well wishes we received so far. We luv u all.


  1. Thank you for this update! I am impressed with how well Christine's leg is healing. Those grandkids are soooo cute! Love and blessings and prayers from Jim and Debbie.

  2. Congrats on the new Idaho home! Sounds like to you have had a busy but wonderful break from your sea-to-sea bike trek. Sending continuing get well wishes to Christine. Great to hear from you and to get your update.

  3. So happy to hear so many great progresses including Christine's recovery, your grandkids, new home, trips and future plan. We did enjoy your journey by seeing those great pictures and your stories.
    I retired in May and started to plan my retirement. Your blog is a great inspiration for me. Thanks! Joe & Linda from Annandale, VA

  4. Thanks for the update. Happy to learn of Christine's recovery and about your new home. Best wishes.

  5. Thanks for all the news and great about your new house! Hopelik kan ons kom groet in Coeur d'Alene (Montana?). Was nog nooit daar nie, maar Elsabe het nou net Florida in haar gedagtes

    1. Hi Wimpie, It would be great to see you in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. You guys are more than welcome.
