Wednesday, June 23, 2021

063: Day 76: June 23, 2021: Hebgen Basin to Cameron MT: 51.4 miles today and 3023 miles in total.

We had quite a cool night and a couple of drops of rain as well. But we enjoyed the trailer behind the fire station. 
Today was a tough day. We did about 51 miles and most of it was either against a strong wind or in strong cross-winds. I even had to take a longer rest toward the end of the day. BUT, we completed 51 miles and with these we crossed the 3000 mile point. We now have about 1000 miles left. WOW!!! 
Our Mountain Bluebird came to say goodbye as well.
We cycled along the shore of the Hebgen Lake with beautiful mountains as a backdrop. 
The area around the dam wall is closed to the public and we could not take a great photo. However, 
we could see some of the outflow when looking up the valley.
Downstream of the dam we had this beautiful view. There were Bald Eagles around.
We stopped at the Campfire Grille Campground and store for a coffee and a freshly baked pastry. 
This is the view from the porch.
In 1959 there was a major earthquake in the valley below the Hebgen Dam. The side of the mountain collapsed and 
dammed the river. 28 people died under the avalanches and in the water as the new lake, now called Earthquake Lake, formed behind this collapse. We stopped at the Information Center to take in the size of this collapse.   
The new dam threatened to undermine the upstream Hebgen Lake and flood the valley downstream. The Army Corps of Engineers excavated a spillway to let some of the water out and to this day the spillway is allowed to erode away. The plan is for the erosion to continue until the river finds its original streambed. This will tke some time still, looking at the size of the lake that still remains after more than 60 years.
We met two more cross-country cyclists today. Lauren started in Norfolk, Virginia and will end her trip in Oregon. Sam also started in Norfolk and will end his trip in Oregon as well.It is really great to meet all these people and go for it!!
This looks downhill and it is. However, the wind was blowing strongly by now and we had to pedal downhill as well. 
The Madison River Valley is really beautiful and very popular for fishing. We saw may Flyfish Shops and a substantial number of fishermen, both along the shore and in little float boats. 
We also passed this eagle's nest next to the road.
As the afternoon wore on, the weather started picking up, making cycling tougher.
This is the entrance to the Corrall Ranch.
This is Ben taking a longer break in a shaded spot. 
These horses were watching Ben rest.
This is what the clouds looked like towards the end of the day.
We reached Cameron around 5:00 pm and 
set up our camp site, after which we had a pleasant, chatty dinner with Sam at the Blue Moon Saloon.


  1. I am so enjoying following your journey. Less than a quarter of the way left - luckily you won't be tied down after this is over, but free to continue to follow your dreams. It is wonderful to share in your enjoyment and achievement. Continue well! XXX

  2. What a fantastic voyage with amazing scenery and, seemingly from the photos, very little vehicular traffic with which to contend /compete for space on the road.
    That Earthquake Lake is a fascinating narrative ... thank you for taking the time to convey the calamity ... we don't really appreciated the power of earthquakes here in SA being thankfully spared such disaster(except for Tulbagh 1972).
    Well done on achieving the 75% mark ... hats off to you two for sticking to your plans (which knowing Ben, were obviously very logical and thorough).
    May God continue to protect and look over you ... an amazing adventure.
    TTFN and take care. Andrew
