Thursday, June 24, 2021

064: Day 77: June 24, 2021: Cameron to Twin Bridges MT: 53.5 miles today and 3078.5 in total. (m115.9)

We had a tailwind leaving Cameron early this morning and we covered the 11 miles to Ennis in no time at all.
We were looking forward to the hot coffee. We do not have a stove with us and some mornings we really crave the smell and taste of freshly made coffee. 
At 07:00 the distillery is still closed. 
Across the street we arrived with the owner of Kalena's at her coffee shop. It was great and she had some freshly baked cookies to share as well.
Ennis has some great presentations and 
store front decorations. 
Out of Ennis we started climbing immediately to Virginia City. This pass does not even have a name but 
it is really steep. I proudly pushed my bike and trailer for about 4.5 miles (nearly 8 km).
I had to rest along the way. (This was a fun picture as well.)
We happily crossed the summit and  
tackled the downhill slowly - quite steep down gradients and many sharp curves in the road.
In Virginia City we found a German Restaurant
with great Bratwurst and Buffalo Sloppy Joe's.
The street scenes are very touristy, but 
We smelt the ice cream at the Creamery. The Liquorice and the Chocolate flavors were great.
Just outside Virginia City we passed through Nevada City with its abandoned dredging equipment and
tourist train.
We also thought that this must have been a major mansion in its heyday. Now it must still be good for the Adams Family.
We cycled along this river. This valley has been completely messed up with mining activities. And there is little being done to reinstate the environment.
This is a picture showing where we came from.
A very talkative young eagle.
Ain't the clouds beautiful? This meant that we had some headwinds cycling into
We decided to add another 10 miles to sleep at the Bike camp at Twin Bridges.
At Twin Bridges we noted this beautiful mural on the Library wall.
We all smiled when we saw the bike camp, next to the river, 
with a building containing a hot shower and a lounge area. We used this area well tonight with Sam here and two new friends, Felicia and John. We talked while there were rain drops outside and the evening slowly turned into night. 


  1. Those mountains are beautiful, as are all the murals, sculptures and main streets of the small & quaint towns that you pass through. I can't imagine climbing those mountains by bike...the Queen Elizabeth hill in the neighborhood is always a struggle for me!

  2. I hope the extreme heat in the north west calm down before you arrive!
