Monday, May 24, 2021

035: Day 45: May 23: Tiskilwa to Geneseo (Genseo Campground : 40 miles today and 1413 in total (496.5)

Today I dedicate the ride to this swimmer we saw in the canal. Is it a (green) crocodile? Nope. But you can see the head sticking out ahead of some grass he cut off and is towing to his home. We were quite intrigued as he swam by.
Today we spent the entire day along the Hennepin Canal. We cycled about 40 miles on pavement of varying quality. Overall, both Christine and I were a bit tired and we started off slowly. 
W Qatare continued along the Hennepin Canal and Trail. We passed a washed away aquaduct. Christine is on the replacement bridge crossing for the path while the canal water is allowed to flow into the Big Bureau Creek below. 
We cycled past a number of locks. The water falls created with the concrete wall is pleasing
The ribbed steel underpasses and culverts also function well.
We passed two sections where the locks were closely spaced.
This section was empty with just the run-off flowing downsteam.
We passed a couple of ancient vehicular lift bridges. They are still functioning as stationary bridges.
In some places you can see the canal builders cut quite a lot into the surrounding area. I liked these curves.
Look at who is holding up whom? Is it Christine taking a photo or is it I that walked back a bit to take a photo of the surroundings?
I am very glad that Christine is with me. This makes the trip so much more enjoyable.
The canal vegetation rarely opens up for a look at the surrounding land. 
The Cottonwoods are "shedding."😁😁😁
We stopped at the Hennepin Canal Parkway State Park and were suprised that the offices would be closed on a Sunday. Anyway, we filled up our water bottles at an outside spigot and we were off. 
This photo shows the different ways Christine and I look at the surroundings. The one above is my photo from a bridge down the canal.
Christine took a photo of the curled up wooden floor boards on the bridge and 
took this photo toward the bridge. 
We cycled past the Feeder Canal that links the Hennepin Canal with the Rock River north of here. 
Something magically happened in this area. We suddenly started cycling easier. Why, this pond is also the highest point on the canal and we were now cycling downhill towards the Missippi.  
Christine crossing a small bridge.
Sometimes the trail is in need of some Tender-Loving-Care.
It washed away close to Annawan and a friendly fisherman explained the bypass through Annawan. We were happy, as we could stop for a Coke at a gas station and wait out the best part of a bout of rain that passed.
Another still functioning aquaduct. Just look at the difference between the water levels in the canal and the crossing river.
We did not want to go through this flooded underpass and took our bicycles and trailer up to the road, over the crash railings and down again - what fun for the intrepid explorers. :):):)
We passed some massive Cottonwood Trees. 
This was a well-frequented lock at the Town of Geneseo.
The turnoff to our camp site is to the left into the trees.
This was sunset at the Geneseo Campsite. What a good place to be. The friendliness of the owners and the warm showers made this a highlight along the Hennepin.

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