Tuesday, May 11, 2021

025: Day 33: May 10: Riverside to New Paris OH. 53 miles for the day and 978 in total (m43.2)

We had a wonderful time at the Air Force Museum yesterday. We were also blessed to have a full day of rain on the same day. We woke up to a beautiful cold morning and were soon on the cycle path again.
The last part of the Beavercreek Trial was beautiful and downhill - so we enjoyed it even more. However, we had to find a balance between speed and cold. The windchill became quite strong at times.
Soon we entered the Park next to the Mad River and we were astounded by the beautiful scenery so early in the morning.
The reflections on the different pools were out of this world. 
We started with the Mad River Trail that would take us along the Mad River into Dayton CBD. We saw the high water level as we cycled along, but soon this changed for the worse. 
The cycle pathway soon disappeared under the water and we had to turn back and find another route through town. 
We tried to stay as close to the River Bank as possible. While this allowed us to see the rivers, it also added a good two hours to our short journey through Dayton. 
Above is the confluence of the Great Miami River and the Mad River. 
The trail is quite under water and we found the sign hilarious. 
Christine sightseeing with the Great Miami River behind her. 
Flooding at a bridge construction site.
Our plan was to cross the river at a bridge downstream of this rail bridge. We turned back and used another bridge. 
Then we had to find the Wolf Creek Trail. The first part was also under water and we eventually started on the trail after cycling through some very poor areas. 
The Trail left the River and followed the Wolf Creek Highway. You will note that it is separated from the pedestrian sidewalk. 
This Trail has a gap and we had to do some  4 miles of road cycling to reach the town of Trotwood to join the last section to Verona OH.
You should see the trail continuing on the other side of the road beyond the pagoda.
We must be some of the early birds on the Trail. The Trotwood Station Building and the info centre was closed. 
A good mural next to the Trail.
The Trail soon passed through farming areas and we were treated to great views. 
And Flowers.
And trees. We soon learnt that these trees come in very handy in cutting off wind blowing from the front or side. 
The station at Brookville was also closed.
But not so for the Hip-Stir Coffee shop where we broke the cold a bit with some of the best Mocha Lattes and Chocolate Chip Muffins we had in years.
We were sad when we reached the end of this beautiful Trail at the Town of Verona.
We cycled past this abandoned church - actually it looked as if somebody was living in the building - in Verona and tackled the next 25 miles to reach the next Trail at Richmond Indiana. 
The App we used to plan the "links" between the Trails shows with a heatmap where cyclists normally travel. I selected some of these roads and in some cases we have great roads to cycle on. In this case, we were on small farm roads with almost no traffic. We had a great time.
A snack stop along the road with flowers surrounding us.
We made very good time to New Paris OH and decided to camp at the local camp site, Natural Spring Camping. 
We looked at the weather and rented a little cabin. At dinner time Christine was quite tough - she preferred not to share the chips (we love the salt) and the Moonshine. In the end we agreed on what I would prepare for dinner and all was shared. 🤩🤩🤩
After dinner we went for a walk to look at the pond in the camp. This used to be a rock quarry where one day further excavation opened up a big natural spring. A lot of the quarry equipment had to be abandoned in the quarry as it filled with water. Now the camp owners allow diving in the pond to see the equipment.
The Canadian Geese goslings are already out gobbling down grass. I had a rest on Christine's lap - as long as I did not move my neck. Her muscles were nearly as sore as mine. 
Soon it was time to go to bed with some light-changing fountains lulling us to sleep. 

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