Sunday, April 18, 2021

006: Day 9, April 17: Washington DC and the beginning of the Cumberland &Ohio Canal towpath

Today we were back on the road again - slightly slower than the beat of this popular song. We said goodbye to Marius and Hilda again, but this time it was more tearful than before. Thanks, dear friends, for sharing your home these last two days.  We used the extra day to unpack everything and try to pack only the more essential things. The goodies we packed into a box and shipped to Lizl and Steve amount to more than 30 pounds. And today we felt the difference. We travelled as fast on the gravel surface of the C&O Canal than what we travelled on the paved roads with the extra load. Lizl, Steve, there will be a large box arriving some time towards the end if next week. 
Marius dropped us close to the Capitol and we spent the next two hours saying goodbye to the Mall. It was a perfect day and the photos show it. We started at Mile 0 of the C&O Canal - it is a point of interest we last visited with Roz on completion of our earlier cycle trip. The first 15-20 miles were quite bumpy with lots of stones and water. However, we could not travel fast in any case. There were so many people and families out on the trail that even the cyclists on their super-duper gravel bikes had to slow down. 
We completed about 38 miles of the Towpath. We enjoyed the wildflowers so much, we felt as if we were in another world. Theresa, Paula, we saw many Triliums today and Bluebells in abundance. We were blessed by the beauty if nature. Hilda and Christine made these wonderful sandwiches and we sat on a bridge eating these.The towpath is really interesting when you pass the Potomac Falls. The builders must have had a tough time excavating the canal out of virgin rock. The scenery is well worth it. We also passed many hikers and pedestrians in this area.  We pitched our camp at Marble Quarry, about 4 miles upstream of White's Ferry. This is a great camp site with lots if Bluebells. After 44 miles today, we are ready for an early night. Roz will join us tomorrow for a short ride abd Bob promised icecream when we meet up with him. This is something to look forward to. 


  1. It was so great meeting you two at the base of the Washington monument! Safe travels!

  2. Beautiful scenery! Wish I could perch on your handlebars...Much love X
