Friday, April 30, 2021

017: Day 22: April 30, 2021: Steubenville to Jewett OH: 27.5 miles (m55.9)

Today we did about 27.5 miles - not much, but this was done in the morning and with no cycling during the afternoon rainy period. 
Just in case everyone doubted our overnight stay in Steubenville. This is the type of rain we missed on the road. And the photo does not show the wind. Anyway, we also enjoyed the slow day in Steubenville OH and rested well.😴😴Our Mother, 90 and living in a retirement home in South Africa, read yesterday's post about the scary bridge crossing and sent us this message in Afrikaans; "May His love and closeness be with you tonight and may you have a peaceful night's sleep. SLEEP WELL."
Morning broke in Steubenville and we were treated with this sunrise. We left the hotel at around 07:30 and after a mile or so, we started pushing bikes out of the Ohio River Valley.
This trash bin blocked the sidewalk, but we knew we had to get past it - Steubenville is the Gateway to the West. 
This is a view east over Steubenville.
John Denver sings about the beauty of country roads. Today we spent most of our time on the road and, boy, we pushed some, but we also saw some beauty. You can see Christine in the distance. Today she enjoyed the headwinds a lot more than I did. 
We loved this short side trail between two intersections on the OH State Road 22. This took us into the town of Hopedale. 
Another beautiful view over the Eastern Ohio farmland.
This is a big petroleum plant outside Hopedale, possibly linked to fracking, etc in the area.
Our route took us down Mcafee Road. However, there is a washed-away bridge (see the sign) and an owner down the road advised us to use a detour. 
We arrived at Jewett, the start of the Conotton Rail Trail, and were worried about the incoming rain. The forecast showed rain for about three-four hours and a strong, cold headwind into the evening. 
Jewettt is known as the original location for the Jewett Car Company, a builder of suburban street cars. 
General George Custer was born in New Rumley, about 4 miles from Jewett.
The owners of the Brightside Junction, a new Gas Station and Convenience Store, Barb and Paul, immediately took us under their wing and offered that we could stay in their new shed behind the store. 
The shed is basically the skin and they plan to complete it as accommodation for them and storage for their camper and vehicles. 
We gladly took up the offer and decided to stay the night. The wind was relentless and came from the direction we must go.
I enjoyed watching the trains (Eastern Ohio was one) and then the Wheeling & Lake Erie locomotives came past. It was interesting to see a train stop, the operator get out and walk over to the store. 
We were again reminded that the outlook of people differ across the country. I smiled when I read the message on this T-shirt - so true. 


  1. So fortunate that you came across the Brightside Junction owners before the storms. There can be such wonderful people out there. The winds and rain were terrible here in Northern Virginia late afternoon into evening on April 30. So glad you came across a safe place to overnight. Hoping you have blue and warmer skies for your weekend trek through Ohio.

  2. Westerlies in May!
    Glad to see you happy and healthy. Remain safe.
