Sunday, April 18, 2021

003: Day 4: April 12: North East to North Baltimore

We had the earliest start to date when we got on the road at 10:00am. In total this was a slow day with us doing 37 miles only. 

We had a hold-up at the Susquehanna River where the four road bridges closest to Havre de Grace do not allow cyclists. The US40 bridge is open to cyclists on weekends and State Holidays - we arrived on a Monday. After some assistance from a kind lady at a business just before the bridge, we called the Key Lime Taxi Company who transported us accross the bridge. You can see why cyclists and pedestrians are not allowed - there is no shoulder on this one mile long bridge. 
Anyway, one thing led to another and Christine and I went for a great lunch (Quessidillas and French Fries) at the Chesapeake Grill - good food and such friendly staff. 

We started off slowly but the afternoon's ride got better as we cycled along. I felt much better - seems the cycling legs are slowly developing. Last night we both started considering what we should leave behind when we reach Marius and Hilda's warm and welcome home in two days' time. This may also have helped us along. 

We are very happy to note that the majority of drivers accommodate cyclists on the road. Today we noted less than a handful drivers that must still "learn their manners." I wanted to talk to one FEDEX-driver that cut in in front of me but Christine, behind me, already said all that I wanted to say in a very loud shout. 

Tonight we are sleeping at a Country Inn in Baltimore North (or Rossville). So many camp grounds are still closed and those that are open, are quite a long way from our route. (Just as well since it is raining again.)


  1. These updates are fascinating. I simply cannot imagine the physical effort and stamina required - especially as I sit on my sofa drinking tea. 😂. Your accounts of the characters you meet along the way have me hooked and I look forward to hearing about your adventures each day.

  2. These updates are fascinating. I simply cannot imagine the physical effort and stamina required - especially as I sit on my sofa drinking tea. 😂. Your accounts of the characters you meet along the way have me hooked and I look forward to hearing about your adventures each day.

  3. I will now be able to live my dream of biking across the U.S. through you, Ben and Christine! Looking forward to all your posts and photos, and wishing you warmer and drier weather,and safe and accommodating drivers on the roads where you find yourselves.

  4. I read your posts when I have time during my busy retirement.....You guys are doing great. We are rooting for you. "Kap dit flou"

  5. Caught up on your posts today. What an adventure you are having!Let's hope the future infrastructure plans provide more accommodation for bikers!

  6. Hallo julle! Lees heerlik hoe hul' vorder! Be safe, and keep us updated. Go go goooo!

  7. Hi Ben enjoy your "pavement inspection" trip. I recommend that after this you come to do the Chobe. By then you will both have 4X4 legs you will need. I can assure you the elephants here are far more courteous than homo sapiens. Julle moet net a bietjie versitig wees,dan sal julle dit defintief flou klap.
