Friday, June 10, 2022

086: 06/09/22: Mount Lake Terrace - Sequim: 56.7 miles today, 3949 m in total. Christine joined me today for support up to the end. YIPPIEEE

Today will be a rainy day on the trail/road. I planned to get west of Seattle and on the northern part of the Olympic Peninsula.  
But before I go out there, let me tell you something of these three heroes. 
1. On the left we have peanut butter with honey. I had this for any meal on a bagel. It is very filling and provided sustenance to both of us on the trip and continues to do so on my last leg. 
2. In the middle you see my water bottle for my Emergen-C mix. Each day I would finish about two of these apart from the water. I now have so much Vitamin C in my body, I do not have to worry aout flu for the next couple of years. :):):)
3. On the right is my bottle of "Slime," a green substance that stops punctures. It contains a lot of fibers and seals off the hole from the inside of the tube. When you have a puncture, you do the repair and pump some of the green slime in the inner tube. Last night I used the last on the 45-mile puncture and this morning the tire was still at the desired pressure. 
4. There is a 4th hero as well -White Lightning chain cleaner. I finished the first bottle early on the trip and the second bottle a couple of days ago.
I left the hotel and crossed this busy highway. See the traffic going to work on the right lanes. Oh, life is good. Retired and not worried about the commute any more. 
I cycled past Lake Ballinger to connect to 
the Seattle Interurban Connector. 
After a couple of miles I had to turn off the Connector, veered to the right here and turned left over the cycle path subway.
I was soon at Edmonds Beach area and saw that there was a Ferry loading vehicles. 
I paid my US$5.60 and 
waited for my turn to get on the ferry. 
I was the last person on and 
saw that the hold was full of vehicles. There is a passenger deck on top of the vehicle deck. I went to have a look. It was almost empty. I think people are still very concerned about COVID and they would rather sit in their vehicles for the crossing.
The beach on the other side of the Puget Sound was beautiful, but empty. Also quite wet due to the rain.
I saw this welcome mural in Kingston as we got off the ferry. 
Some miles on I cycled past these figurines. The shop was still closed.
Port Gamble is a small little town on the beach. It is slowly converting itself into a tourist trap with expensive little shops along the main street.
I soon thereafter crossed this bridge to the Olympic Peninsula. I was so happy to see the open grid pavement covered on the shoulders to make the trip for cyclists so much safer.
 Come'on West-Virginia. You can do it.  
I cycled on the road shoulder for a while with little time or inclination to look around. The road was quite busy. 

However, I managed to take a photo of the Daisies and Broom along the road.
The surroundings were green and with many shades of green. 
At Discovery Bay I had to stop for lunch at Fat Smittys. 

Inflation has not reached this part of the world. This double-patty burger with bacon, cheese and all the fresh goodies (tomato, lettuce, onion, etc.) with French Fries and Potato Salad and a milkshake came to less than US$17.00. 
I felt the extra weight as I got on the cycle again.
And look who walked in through the front door!!!! I was a very happy man to have Christine around.
Soon after Fat Smittys I cycled past the row of caboozes that was turned into a CBD smokeshop. 
I joined the Olympic Discovery Trail soon thereafter. 
It is paved most of the way and runs along some smaller backroads along the coast. 
Ever thought of a having a platypus for a mail box?
The trail ran through many beautiful sections, this one having a lot of flowers.
For a short section this was the worst I have seen today.
It soon turned into a paved trail again. 
Beautiful flowers in this field with the mountains in the background.
There is so much greenery along these paths. And they are so pleasant to ride on.
I even had some "tunnel vision" here. :):):):)
The trail went through the tribal area at Blyn and I noted the wide mud flat at low tide. This beach is different to the one where I grew up.
There are so many beautiful trees along the triail. And they sometimes leave a openings for you to 
enjoy the view.
It was getting really rainy and cold
and, boy, was I glad to teach the beginning of the Sequin trail system. 
Christine was there to pick up my bicycle and take us to the hotel in Port Angeles. 

Enough for the day. Today I did 57 miles and was ready for a hot shower and a rest. 

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